
Showing posts from February, 2021

Page 3-4 Catching a rabbit

Little Tiger: Little Elephant, help me out! Little Elephant: Okay. sorry little rabbit. Even though I don't eat you I need to help my friend to catch you. pic (elephant use the feet and trunk to keep the rabbit from escaping from the holes)

Page1-2. Being Equal

Little tiger: little Elephant, how can I say I am equal to you when you are much bigger than me? pic: Little tiger and little elephant standing next to each other, with little tiger much shorter than the elephant Little Elephant: It doesn't matter how we look like or how big we are my little tiger, as long as we can see each other's eyes. pic: Little Elephant use his trunk to bring the little tiger up infront of his face. they look into each others' eyes.

First step of Little Tiger Web Discovery
